Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Character Analysis of Kerima Polotan Tuvera’s The Virgin Essay

A Character Analysis of Kerima Polotan Tuvera’s The Virgin Kerima Polotan-Tuvera’s â€Å"The Virgin† is a short story that is centered on two characters namely Miss Mijares and The Carpenter. The title â€Å"The Virgin† reflects the subject virginity which is an important and cherished value for Filipinos. A Filipina should be proud to have maintained her virginity but in the case of the thirty-four-year-old Miss Mijares, she is ashamed of it. In her thirty-four years of existence, she had never been committed in a relationship. When she was younger, there had been other things to do and she never put love on top of her priorities. She had college to finish, a niece to put through school, and a mother to take care. Her duties became hindrances for her to be in a relationship. Miss Mijares’ childhood experiences and duties affected her personality. Miss Mijares is a thirty-four-year-old woman who works at a job placement agency. The first encounter of the two characters is at the job interview. The way Miss Mijares treat him is as aloof and cold just like the way she treated her other interviewees. She looks at herself as superior which explains the impolite language she uses to communicate with them. According to the text â€Å"When she was younger, there had been other things to do-college to finish, a niece to put through school, a mother to care for.† Her childhood experiences affected the way she is now, it greatly affected her personality. According to the theory of Sigmund Freud namely Psychoanalytic Theory of Freud, a person’s childhood experience and unconscious mind contributes to his or her personality (Cherry). The way Miss Mijares keep her distance from other people and the way she talk to them serve as a defense mechanism. Her unsociable manners coupled with frank and abrupt way of speech is a disguise for her loneliness. For nine years she dutifully looks out for the needs of her mother. For nine years she doesn’t think about her own happiness for she prioritizes her duty to take care of her parent. According to the text â€Å"But it had taken her parent many years to die. Towards the end, it had become a thankless chore, kneading her mother’s loose flesh, hour after hour, struggling to awaken the cold, sluggish blood in her dying body. In the end, she had died-her toothless, thin-haired,  flabby-fleshed mother-and Miss Mijares had pushed against the bed in grief and also gratitude.† We can infer from the way she dedicated her early years to take care of her mother that she valued her family more than herself. She was really affected by the death of her mother whom she loved so much and it triggered the change in her personality. She exemplified her superiority as a woman. â€Å"Miss Mijares did not look 34. She was slight, almost bony, but she had learned early how to dress herself to achieve an illusion hips and bosom. She liked poufs and shirrings and little girlish pastel colors.† According to this text, Miss Mijares knows how to make her look appealing to opposite gender. This is her way to deal with her loneliness. For thirty-four years she has not even touched a man. The way she behaves and deal with other people acts as a defense mechanism. According to the Behavioral Theory, personality is based on the interaction between the individual and the environment which can be learned and unlearned (Cherry). Her bossy and indistinct manner of speech coupled with the way she dress acts as a defense mechanism to hide her depression. The â€Å"girlish pastel color† as stated in the story is also a way to hide her true feelings. She is ashamed of herself for still being a virgin at the age of thirty-four. â€Å"And yet Miss Mijares did think of love.† It is stated in the text that Miss Mijares had short lived fantasies. She is still hoping that love will come her way someday. It suddenly happened when he met the carpenter. She is cold and distant at first but suddenly she is drawn to the man. It all started at the moment she saw the man holding her paperweight. It is a wooden block with a bird poised to flight. The paperweight was damaged with one wing tilted unevenly so the carpenter decided to fix it. The bird symbolizes freedom; it symbolizes the freedom of Miss Mijares. She lived in a system where virginity is something important and should be taken care of. The problem is she is trapped in this system because at the age of thirty-four she is still a virgin who never touched a man. This will change because of the carpenter. She will be free like the bird in her paperweight fixed by the carpenter. She will be unwittingly attracted to the carpenter. She doesn’t like the way he talk without permission but it won’t change her  feelings toward the man. When she learned that the foreman has only given him three peso but he is filling in for a four-peso job, she confronted the foreman right away. It not expected for her to be concerned because of her cold and distant way of treating him. A change in her personality can be seen and it is because of the carpenter. Miss Mijares was emotionally attached to the carpenter. She was surprised and angry when she learned that the carpenter has a son. She thought the he is single and not committed. After learning that he was raising a child by a woman he is not married to, she notice everything else that is wrong with him-his crooked grin and defective front teeth. Her reaction proved that she is really in love with the carpenter. She doesn’t even notice his grin and tooth because of her infatuation. Miss Mijares rode again a jeepney that detoured again to avoid traffic but this time he is with the carpenter. It was raining and all of them were asked to get down the jeepney. She noticed that there are no other people in sight but the two of them. Her emotion has gone wild for her young dreams have suddenly come to life. She turned to him with her ruffles wet and wilted. Out of her free-will, Miss Mijares has grabbed the opportunity for love. According to the Humanist Theory, a person’s free will and individual experience contribute to personality development (Cherry). Her feelings for him have changed her personality. She suddenly becomes more caring and concerned. Her personal emotion is the factor for the change in her personality. The Virgin deals with the life of Miss Mijares. A daughter bounded by her duty. She lived in a society where virginity is something to take care of but at the age of thirty-four she is ashamed that she is still a virgin. Miss Mijares’ childhood experiences and duties affected her personality. The cold and distant personality coupled with a frank and abrupt manner of speech can be traced back in her early years. All of these serve as a defense mechanism to hide her depression. She developed a certain superior mentality that can be seen in the way she talks during interviews but all of these changed when the carpenter came into her life. The paperweight with a bird on it symbolizes freedom. Miss Mijares was now free from all her anxieties because of the carpenter who brought order in her life just like  how he fixed the paperweight. Her loved for the carpenter brought the change in her life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pollution control and waste management Essay

The Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (‘the Department’) has recognised that they are not always successful in policing and enforcing environmental laws. However, the Department is making strides to meet these challenges and to ensure that our laws are practically implemented. In March 2000, the Department published its White Paper on Integrated Pollution and Waste Management (‘the White Paper’). The White Paper proposes a number of tools to implement the objectives of the waste management policy it sets out. The promulgation of new pollution and waste legislation such as the amendments to the Environment Conservation Act, 73 of 1989 (‘ECA’) comprise one such tool. The objective of the Environment Conservation Act: Amendment Bill, 2003 (‘the Amendment Bill’) is to facilitate government’s general policy on integrated pollution control and waste management so as to give effect to waste management as proposed in the White Paper. The Amendment Bill will amend the ECA in three separate ways: †¢ the management of waste sites will be transferred from the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry to the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (‘the Minister’); †¢ the Minister will have the power to make regulations for the imposition of compulsory charging for identified waste streams (for example, plastic bags) and deposit systems (for example, second-hand non-reusable tyres); and †¢ the Minister will have the power to make regulations regarding products which, by their nature, may pose a hazard to the environment and/or human health if and when they reach the waste stream (for example, asbestos products). Transfer of power The ECA governs environmental waste pollution. In particular, the ECA provides for the permitting and related control measures for the operation of waste landfill sites. The ECA specifically stipulates that the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry should administer these facilities. In accordance with the government’s philosophy on integrated pollution control and waste management inherent in the White Paper, the amendment transfers the administration of these facilities from the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry to the Minister. Economic incentives In order to promote recycling and waste minimization in respect of certain waste streams such as plastic bags, glass and tyres, certain additional regulatory powers will be allocated to the Minister. The Amendment Bill proposes a financial incentive approach which will complement the existing traditional ‘command and control’ approach to controlling pollution. Whereas the command and control approach relies either on administrative sanctions (for example, permitting requirements on scheduled emissions) or criminal measures (for example, fines or imprisonment if such permit conditions are breached) to regulate pollution emissions, the amendment will give the Minister the power to make regulations to encourage the re-use, reduction and recycling of specific waste types. To this end, the proposed amendment to the ECA provides that the Minister may make regulations with regard to waste management, concerning the imposition of compulsory charging, deposits systems and levies on certain waste types or specified items in waste types. The intention is that the revenue raised from such charges will be used to encourage recycling and a compulsory deposit system will promote the collection and return of types of waste. A compulsory charge on a particular waste will encourage its re-use, for example, the controversial compulsory charge on plastic bags has promoted re-use. The Minister intends to use these mechanisms to impose a deposit scheme on second-hand and unusable tyres and glass. Regulating products Currently, the ECA does not give the Minister or the Department regulatory power over products, materials or substances that may cause harm to the environment or human health should these enter the waste stream (for example, asbestos, which is found in building material, friction material and other elements). The Department does not have regulatory powers over such substances until the relevant material becomes waste. The Amendment Bill will give the Minister the power to make regulations with regard to the prohibition, control or regulation of products that may have a detrimental effect on the environment or on human health if and when they reach the waste stream.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Design Of The Tomba Brion Vega Architecture Essay

In my survey I intend to explicate carlo scarpas thought in his design of the Tomba brion Vega, his most visited work and analyze the design of each component separately and as a whole. It is a site of elegance and poesy and epitomises Carlo Scarpas usage of architecture to bring forth significance and feeling. Carlo Scarpa himself describes the grave as a tract ( Un'ora con Carlo Scarpa The Brion Tomb is situated in the North of Italy in the small town San Vito d'Altivole near Treviso. It was designed for the household Brion by Carlo Scarpa after the decease of Giuseppe Brion. It was commissioned by the married woman of Giuseppe, Onorina Brion ; together they co-founded the electronics steadfast Brion-Vega. Giuseppe was born in San Vito and the household owned a secret plan of land in the local graveyard every bit good as a funerary chapel which originally stood on the site. Scarpas original thought and his early work for the household was for a figure of seperate graves for different household members on the original graveyard secret plan. These early designs were to subsequently incorporated in to the concluding design. in 1969 the household bought an L shaped secret plan of land wrapped around the northern and eastern sides of the bing graveyard. Geting this secret plan of land allowed Scarpa to integrate all the household tombs into a individual maestro program for the Brion households resting topographic point. Not taking with the mainline tendency that with money and power when decease occurs a immense shrine or memorial should be erected in memorial Scarpa went the opposite manner. Scarpa states â€Å" I believe it is mistaken to see the Brion Cemetery the merchandise of a affluent capitalist. Rather it is rather the antonym † . â€Å" Of class I could hold merely made a big statue and left the remainder a lawn, but I enjoy doing things † making this he avoided the narrow dictates of rationalism, taking instead to emphasize interior deepness, dreams, and nostalgia. In this he creates a poetic resting topographic point every bit much as a sculptural commemoration in a green, quieting garden. In March 1970 the Plans for the site had reached their concluding signifier and planning permission was given for building. The Cemetery was completed in 1978 and is regarded by many as Scarpas chef-d'oeuvre. Below is a quotation mark from Scarpa on his design of the Brion Tomba. â€Å" I consider this work, if you permit me, to be instead good and ( something ) which will acquire better over clip. I have tried to set some poetic imaginativeness into it, though non in order to make poetic architecture but to do a certain sort of architecture that could emanate a sense of formal poesy. I mean an uttered signifier that can go poesy, though, as I said before, you can non deliberately do poesy. The deceased has asked to be near to ( the ) Earth since he was born in this small town – So I decided to construct a little arch, which I will name Arcosolium. Arcosolium is a Latin term from the clip of the early Christians in the Catacombs. Important individuals or sufferers were buried in them. ) I used a more dearly-won version†¦ I thought it ( was ) a good thought for two people who had loved each other to be put in such a manner as to be able to recognize one another, after decease. Soldiers stand vertical, motions are human. The Arcosolium became an arch, a span span, an arch of strengthened concrete and would still hold looked like a span if I had n't had it illustrated, I mean decorated. But alternatively of painting we used mosaics, A Venetian tradition that I interpreted in a different manner † The statement above merely shows how much thought went in to the design of his lifes chef-d'oeuvre. The organic structure of the graveyard The L shaped site has 5 chief focal points ; the arcosolium which was of great importance was placed on the north eastern corner to in Scarpas words â€Å" benefit from the best position and sunniest exposure † . The arcosolium acts as a sort of ocular flexible joint on the L shaped site fall ining the north and eastern sides of the site. The household Gravess are situated on the north wall of the site sheltered underneath a canopy which shelters them from the elements. On the south side of the L form is a marquee which floats over a Lilly pool. To the western terminal he designed square chapel which leads to a private entombment land for local priests. Another entryway manner to the site was constructed near to the marquee where the original funerary chapel stood. The site is enclosed by a 2.3m high wall. Internally the positions out from the site about go a portion of the design and Looking towards the site the 60deg incline of the wall directs sight over the graveyard doing minimal obstructor of the positions out from the town whilst besides dissembling its internal parts. Scarpa acknowledged that he â€Å" had captured the sense of the countryside, as the Brions wished † ( Scarpa 1978-84 ) The Arcosolium The Arcosolium in history has been situated within a Catholic burial chamber. A individual catacomb would incorporate multiple arcosolium for of import people and sufferer. They are arched deferrals carved from solid stone with a solid rock casket sarcophagus to the underside. The arch and around it were frequently decorated with symbolic frescoes. In the image to the left is the arcosolium which is situated in Via Latina, Cubiculum E, a catacomb in Rome. You can clearly see the arched deferral to the rear and the sacredly painted walls. Scarpas arcosolium is the chief focal point for the whole grave, moving as a flexible joint between the two perpendicular countries of the site. The two caputs of the household are buried here and is hence sited with importance and was built on the north east corner of the site. Unlike the solid arch of the historic Catholic arcosolium the arch Scarpa designed is sleek and slender and is made out of concrete and bows over the deep-set land on which sit the two burial chambers. The asymetical arch has four constituents or ocular niceties which make the whole. The arch itself is visually two parts with the perpendicular chief arch or the anchor crossing the burial chambers and below this sits a drifting plane which shelters the crypts. The anchor has four fives which run the length of the arch. These fives are closed to their bottom so to shelter the residents. The two natation planes are decoratively layered to their topside instead like the arcosolium ornament of old. These are connected to the 3rd and 4th constituents of the arch by pin articulations and are the two concrete pedestals which sit at the two terminals of the arch and land the design and besides convert the otherwise compressional construction of an arch in to a tensile construction. The plinths themselves are split in to two parts with a solid mass cresting the arch and a more dynamic signifier stoping the completed arch. The pedestals are decorated non with pictures or stuffs but with the z ag zig signifier which dominates the cemetary. The two concerete pedestals are orthogonally stepped three dimensionally decreasing with weight the farther off from the arch they are. Below the arch the two burial chambers sit in a deep-set handbill bowl which is sheltered by the arch above. Originally this round base home base was to be surrounded by a H2O channel emanating from the north pool. The tombs themselves are made out of two tone marble with the sides facing each other being coal black, the top bed a speckled, black marble and the bottom bed a more grained white marble. The ebony boards on the facing planes of the caskets give them a softer touch. The two crypts are sat side by side underneath the arch and thin to each other as though they were seeking to touch. This is besides reiterated on the bottom of the multitudes. Scarpa non desiring to anchor the two objects excessively much curved the bottom of them doing them seem movable and non stuck to the land. Scarpa described it like this â€Å" It is as it should be that the two people who loved each other in life to flex toward each other in recognizing after decease † . A sense of Scarpas love affair can be seen here. In Yutak Saito ‘s book Carlo Scarpa, he describes how the two burial chambers are perceived to â€Å" drift like two boats beneath the arch. † This is evocative of the edifices of Scarpas beloved Venice. Whilst under the arch the colored glass tiles can be seen. Yutak Saito says â€Å" The ceiling of the arch is covered in glass tiles, giving the sense of heavenly glare † The glass tiles run either side of an onyx strip which runs down the center of the four fives of the arch, these â€Å" omit a milklike white translucency † . Brion Tomba cemetery entryway The entryway lies down an avenue of trees which run the old Village Cemetery. Upon attack the first thing noticed is the two intersecting circles which lay at the terminal of the little corridor and their framed image of the lawn and the Hedera helix covered wall beyond. The entryway is sat beside other bing graves and its graduated table is as those of the bing grave. This gives the Brion Tomb a tardis like feel one time inside holding entered through here. The entryway is decorated with a zigzag design like the arcosolium with horizontal pieces through the mass in which the sky or in Scarpas oculus the celestial spheres can be seen. On come ining the square entryway opens up like a cave and upon talking unusual reverberations resile off the zigzagged indoors. Again horizontal pieces allow the sight of the celestial spheres whilst inside this dark entryway manner. Four stairss lead up to the corridor beyond. These are somewhat offset to the left manus side giving you a sense of way in which 1 should go. This little gesture The intersecting circles at the terminal of the corridor are rimmed with ruddy and bluish glass tiles. They signify the Earth and the celestial spheres and the Earth and the intersected subdivision signifies the religious universe which may lie in between. You can besides see this looking through the two circles with the green grass meaning the Earth the sky the oasiss and the Grey concrete wall which splits the two the religious universe. With these two intensions Scarpa wanted to instil a sense of how close the three universes are and how they intersect with each other. The corridor splits left and right now. The left manus side is brighter and beckons you down, another way index of which Scarpa is good known for. Looking down the corridor the left manus side of the arcosolium can be seen with the countryside in the backgr ound and the corridor opens a few meters down. It opens to the right with the left manus side go oning farther. At the transitional point between unfastened and closed a H2O class continues the line of the construction which runs down in to the arcosolium adjacent to the paseo. Along this paseo are a set of beginning stairss which lead up to the grazed country above. These stairss are of different thicknesses with each possessing a different sound when treaded upon. If you turn right at the corridor the way leads you down a darkened corridor which opens up onto a drifting way which leads to the raised marquee, the marquee sits on the pool that feeds the watercourse. The Pavillion The marquee sits on the north side of the site above a shallow organic structure of H2O. At a distance it seems to drift above the H2O. It is supported by a set of slender steel columns which rise out of the H2O. The thought behind the marquee was to make a canopy under which the psyche of the dead may come in to intercede. It is accessed via the chief entryway manner along a thin dark corridor and so through a glass door which is opened with an luxuriant system of blocks which are seeable on the other side of the wall to the glass door. The top of the marquee is clad in lumber and Yutaka Saito in his book Carlo Scarpa notes the similarities in the deepness and accent of the design associating to the series of torri Gatess of the fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. Below the weather-beaten lumber box sits a thin metallic modesty panel painted green and is textured with a form of nails which softens the strong stuff doing the infinite more comfy. From its exterior the marquee looks like a solid construction and a sense of weight is felt on sight but the visceras are hollow which lets light go through down in to the infinite where underneath sits a bench on which Scarpa imagined the liquors could rest after they have had their playday in the environing gardens of the graveyard. Its openness gives a connexion between the spirit universe and ours leting passageway of psyches in to it. Underneath the marquee a little seating country is found for the liquors and this sits on a little breakwater which seems to drift a few centimeters above the pool. This may non be a piece of aesthetic design but a great cognition of how H2O and building stuffs respond over clip with staining and corrosion. This can besides be seen on the back wall of the marquee with it looking to drift merely above the H2O degree. Use of H2O Carlo Scarpa was of Venetian beginning and this influenced his designs in that H2O and the effects it caused were frequently cardinal elements of his designs. Bodies of H2O and/or H2O classs were elemental. He spent most of his life in Venice, rolling down its narrow gangways with edifices either drifting on or reflected in H2O ; a universe altering with the wane and flow of the tides. The brion grave is no exclusion with Scarpa planing two pools at opposing terminals of the site which were to be connected by thin watercourses that would weave inbetween the grave linking them with a sense of life or motion of the streamlined H2O. A relationship between the laguna and the canal can be envisioned here. The construct was non to the full designed in but can still be seen in the signifier of a channel running between the marquee and the arcosolium. Bing from Venice Scarpa knew the consequence of the tide and how this could consequence stuffs and sometimes whole constructions, submersing their lower floors on some occasions and the H2O class and pool in the graveyard were designed to debar deluging the next infinites when it rains. The pools themselves are instead shallow being merely half a meter in deepness at their deepest point with the zigzag form taking down to the lowest point giving the H2O a sense of volume and a topographic point for the Sun to play in, making traveling shadows and contemplations of the environing constructions during daytime hours. There are a figure of H2O channels on the site. They all flow to the arcosolium and narrow as they get nearer. This narrowing of the channels give the feeling of a sense of impulse and in kernel, life. Brion Family Tomb The little household grave is situated on the south side of the site and sits against the exterior wall giving a sense of shadiness for its residents. It is a triangular molded construction with a little entryway to the West. The entryway is little and was designed so that to come in one must bow as a mark of regard to the asleep residents. Internally the infinite is little yet the horizontal slits in the signifier allow the external openness to fall in with the internal infinite. The roof of the grave narrows towards the top with a piece taken out at its extremum. This was once more the thought that the liquors could roll freely around the site and come back to their resting topographic points for rest. The chapel and Sacristy The chapel sits on the E of the site and its importance is emphasised by the continual perpendicular planes that cut through the horizontal plane of the level lawn. This accent shows its hierarchy and label the construction as being the edifice of most importance. There are two entrywaies to the chapel, one through the gardens and the 2nd which is used for more formal occasions such as church mass. The entryway through the gardens shows this hierarchy the most, the tall walls create a strong perpendicular volume to go down. Two little stairss are at the entryway and act as a passage between the less formal garden infinite and the more formal chapel beyond. On the left manus side wall a grid form of concrete lines was formed with 10mm deferrals in which beds of plaster were trowelled and so polished which reflects light down the corridor. On this wall the door to the private vestry can be found and follows the same grid clog as the walls somewhat camouflaging it to place its privateness. At the terminal of the corridor stands a big steel and plaster skiding lattice door reminiscent of the manner of Otto Wagner of whom Scarpa was a fan and the traditional Nipponese screen. Beyond the doors stands the chapel and the Chinese manner threshold that leads in to it which allows for the easy transition of caskets and on juncture to get by with a big Numberss of people. The prevailing stuff used in the building of the chapel was once more superimposed concrete. The floor is made of little cobble like rocks which run at a 45deg angle to the room towards the alter. Two marble stairss lead up to the alter and junctions between the stuffs was planned meticulously. The Conclusion-The Journey The journey was really of import in the planning of the site and all the senses were thought of when planing. Although the site is made up of tonss of separate elements they are all portion of the whole and are linked by tracts sometimes physical and sometimes psychological. hypertext transfer protocol: //

Why women are more prone to knee injuries than men Essay

Why women are more prone to knee injuries than men - Essay Example Knee injury or disease, therefore, can be badly crippling .(Thibodeau 223). A women's work is never done! So goes the age-old saying. Although in today's world there are many labor-saving devices, the modern woman often carries responsibilities involving long hours of duty. Women employed in industry or with major home-care responsibilities can be involved in a variety of tasks requiring strong mental, physical, emotional and social abilities. For many, additional burdens exist. Te career woman with a family, the pregnant woman with several children, the woman caring for a disabled child or an ageing parent and the wife and mother confined to a wheelchair are all faced with the challenges of coping with prolonged demands on both their energy and time. Some traditionally female jobs in the workforce are also susceptible to special stresses (Sapsford 268). The knee joint is the major weight-bearing joint of the body. Any condition, which interferes with the smooth articulation of the joint, leads to instability and rapid wasting of the quadriceps muscle (Anne 548). Cancellous bone loss begins between the ages of 30 and 35 with yearly decrease in women of 0.6 % to 0.8 % (Linear decrease) or 2.4 % (curvilinear decrease). Age-related cancellous loses in women appear to begin up to a decade earlier than cortical bone loss. Women may lose 50% of cancellous and 30 % of cortical bone over their life times, whereas men may lose only 30 % and 20 % respectively. In addition, women may have an increased risk for osteoporosis because throughout life they have 30 % less bone mass than men of a similar age (Kimble 48.28). Throughout its life bone can respond to external forces (or loads) such as the pull of tendon on bone and weight bearing. These forces can help to maintain bone mass or increase it in some circumstances. As a living tissue, bone material is constantly being turned over in a process called bone remodeling. In this process old bone is resorbed and new bone is formed. Many internal factors dictate the effectiveness of the remodeling process. These can include ageing, hormonal influences, metabolic variations and certain disease processes. Bone is most sensitive to mechanical loading during childhood (Sapsford 134). An increase in osteoblastic activity and thus in bone mass can result from the external forces (or loads) mentioned. Without these forces osteoclast activity (bone resorption) predominates and bone mass decreases (Norkin and Levangie, 1992). If the breakdown or resorption of bone (osteoclastic activity) then decreased bone density or osteopenia will occur. If this process con tinues unchecked it can lead to osteoporosis. Osteoporotic bone is more likely to fracture than bone of normal density (Sapsford 412). Osteoporosis in a major health problem that affects over 9.4 million people on the United States and is especially prevalent among postmenopausal women. The incidence osteoporosis increases with age; 30 percentage of women between the ages of 70 and 79 and 70 percentage of women 80 years of age or older develop osteoporosis without medical intervention (Kimble 48.30). There is much grater risk of women developing osteoporosis than men. Suggested reasons for this include the fact that after menopause women have period of rapid bone loss as a result of a sharp fall in oestrogen levels as overian function ceases. Up to 15 % of bone can be

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Advanced Hunting and Content Development Research Paper

Advanced Hunting and Content Development - Research Paper Example Attack or evading defenders’ tools involve using counter infrastructure and tools that compromise data. Defenders must then have indicators of compromise (IOC) such that their content identifies methods or numerous pieces of evidence (Orlando 23). This introduces the need to distinguish between analytic and hunting where analytics include the means of obtaining attractive objects, patterns, and events, and this is supported by hunting together with monitoring. However, monitoring is not analytics, but ensuring that the system is free from evident or hidden compromise by offenders. In their attack, offenders use different platforms and phishing techniques while defenders are forced to use such as exploit kit servers such as RSA Security Analytics to monitor phishing and other attacks. RSA security analytics work toward protecting phishing, and suspicious objects, patterns or events using notifications such as warnings, provision of information, and curbing suspicions. In all cases, RSA security analytics uses an event reconstruction to identify suspicions, warnings, or compromise, and communicates to the present security tools including intrusion prevention systems, and firewalls. The security tools are also informed of things that present threat to the system (Musthaler n.p). The two identified are Zenoss Core, Network Miner, and angry IP Scanner. The Zenoss Core platform combines system management and integrated network analysis of performance, events, availability, and configuration. The platform uses simple protocols for streaming data through SSH, JMX, and Syslong for flexible foundation to manage events and monitor logs. In addition, the tool offers features that are particularly geared towards virtual and cloud infrastructure. Network minor tool offers a great way of scrutinizing files, chat history, searching files,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Intigrating technology in the EFL classroom Essay

Intigrating technology in the EFL classroom - Essay Example Report indicates that about 70% of education funding in Israel comes from the central government while the remaining 30% comes from cities and other sources. This was in a show of the government’s commitment to educating its people to be literate for prosperity and development. So far, Israel has been registering an increase in the number of students enrolling for classes at different levels. Latest report indicates that Israel has about 1.8 million students from pre-school to high school level (Newman, 2012). This is an indication of the country’s commitment to high literacy level. This number also continues to increase as the population continues to grow. Even though teaching Israelis to be literate is a key priority of the Netanyahu administration, it is also the most challenging area in the country’s education system. This is attributable to the changing nature of the classroom. Research indicates that the classroom environment has undergone radical changes i n the 21st century (Cordova and Lepper, 1996). For instance, Israel has experienced an influx of immigrants from immigrants in the country from all over the world. This has resulted in an increase of a large number of people in the country who are not able to speak or write the English language, which is the country’s national language. The fact that a large population of the country cannot speak, read, or writes the English language is posing a huge challenge to teachers in the country. It is an acknowledgeable fact that becoming proficient in a foreign language is very difficult and can be daunting. As a result, a large number of people in the country who do not understand the English language normally find it difficult learning a new language since the English language is new to them (Jonassen, 2000). Therefore, in order for such students to learn and become proficient in the English language, they must be supported as much as possible. Teachers who have had the opportunit y to teach students learning English as their second language understand that such students require language support for their language acquisition. To say that students learning English as their second language have attained the level of proficiency required, they must be able, not only to hear and write the English language, but to speak and read the English language well. However mush this might be a daunting task; we strongly believe that integrating technology such as the use of computers can play a crucial part in increasing a student’s grades in the English language. This discourse examines how the integration of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) can be an important tool for teaching new learners of English language. In addition, the paper will explore the gains that have resulted from the use of computer-assisted instruction in teaching the English language to new learners. Literature Review Verbal Interaction Interaction between new English language learners and th ose who are proficient in English language is key in promoting proficiency in English language. As such, teachers of English language need to provide students learning English as a second language, a language-rich environment where they can continuously engage in the English la

Friday, July 26, 2019

Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Speech - Essay Example 1SG Kittles-Joyner epitomizes the phrase moral courage, as she lets nothing stand in the way of what she believes to be right. She acted first and foremost in the best interest of the soldiers, and demonstrated a remarkable tenacity to get missions accomplished. For the past four years, 1SG Kittles-Joyner was in charge of the senior leadership course. During her tenure, 1SG Keyshun Kittles-Joyner won the admiration and respect of the cadre and students of the Academy. Her SLC team supported four ALC mobile training teams and supervised execution of Camp Semaphore for the Fiscal Year 2010. 1SG Kittles-Joyner was also selected as Vice President of the prestigious Fort Gordon Sergeant Audie Murphy Club in consecutive years due to her superior knowledge and leadership abilities. Additionally, she was selected by the Garrison CSM to be the First Sergeant for the Military Police Detachment. However, the Signal Corps needed her more and so she was selected over 27 MSGs to be the Branch Chie f of the senior leadership course, where she oversaw preparation and execution of the 25B, E, S, P, U, and the 25W CMF quality assurance assessments, in which all received an Institution of Excellence rating. She mentored, prepared, and coached five NCOs, one of whom won instructor of the quarter and another Post NCO of the quarter. She also developed a study group program that resulted in five students being inducted into the SAMC; this was the highest number inductees of any unit on Fort Gordon. She was awarded the Bronze Order of Mercury during the Signal Ball for her dedication to soldiers within the Signal Community and assisting seven of the cadres to be selected as Bronze Order Recipients. She was awarded the Presidential Volunteer Award by President Obama and the Appreciation Award from the Georgia National Youth Challenge Academy in recognition of more than 3,000 countless hours of community service supporting Augusta and its surrounding communities through mentoring youth. She received accolades as the guest speaker for several 447th Signal Battalion Graduation ceremonies, Pre-Command Briefs, and also a coin of Excellence from the French Signal Commanding General and the TRADOC CSM during command briefs. Her SLC team was commended by the Inspector General for its management of the Structured Self-Development Program. Her SLC team was also instrumental in returning the Army Physical Fitness Test for Height and Weight back to the NCO Education System. She was selected for the Dean's list at Strayer University in consecutive years for maintaining a GPA average of 3.84. She is also a devoted mother to her son, Tyrome Joyner Jr. 1SG Kittles-Joyner will be joining the 1st SC Army BDE in South Korea, where she will continue to serve others. She will be sorely missed, but it is now time for her to move onto bigger and better things.   Her presence will be missed here at the Academy, and we wish her and her family the very best as she heads out to South Kor ea and her next army adventure. However, as we say goodbye to one great 1SG, we welcome another in the form of 1SG Jiggets. He has come to the RNCOA with an excellent resume. Also, he is no stranger to Fort Gordon, having served as a 1SG for the C Company, 551st Signal Battalion. He, his wife Jennifer, and their son Robert and daughter Sheila will move across post into what I expect will be one of their most rewarding assignments. 1SG Jiggets is known throughout

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Effects of Mass Production of Industrial Corn Research Paper

Effects of Mass Production of Industrial Corn - Research Paper Example The temperate plains of the US offers some of the best emergent environment for corn in the earth, that making the US as the world's top manufacturer of corn in terms of both price and volume. So that US is not only the top manufacturer of corn in the world, but also the top exporter. â€Å"On average, about 20 percent of corn produced in the US is exported. During fiscal year 2010, the United States exported 49.9 million metric tons (1.96 billion bushels) - accounting for 53.8 percent of world corn exports. During the same period, other major corn exporters included Argentina (16.7 million metric tons, or 660 million bushels) and Brazil (8.6 million metric tons, or 338 million bushels)† (Corn: Zea Mays, Family Poaceae, Commonly Known as Maize, 2010). Industrial corn is mainly used for industrial purpose. So that mass production of industrial corn create certain issues or problems in U S. Main two problem faced by the society due to the impact of mass production of corn is the environmental problem and economic problem. Environmental problem can be reduced by way of reducing the chemical usage for producing the corn for industrial usage. Like economic problem of the corn can be reduced by way adopting the most stable financial policy. This research proposal consists of economic and environment problem of the mass production of the corn and also the causes of these problem.... Now a day, due to the globalized economy, the world faces many problems pertaining to the .environment such as water pollution, air pollution, etc and these environmental problems have direct and indirect impacts on the society. An environmental problem happens whenever there is a change in the quantity or quality of any environmental issue which indirectly or directly influences the health and well-being of man in an unfavorable manner. Environmental problems history is always regarding human dealings with the natural world. The important objective of environmental history is to increase our understanding of how a human has been influenced by the environment in the past and also how they have influenced those surroundings and with what consequences. Direct Problems: For mass production of corn the agriculture sector requires ample fertilizers and the intensive use of fertilizers create water pollution, which, in turn, may affect human health and natural eco system. As such, this may be described as the â€Å"environmental and health consequences of industrial agriculture† (Lappe, 2011, para. 4). The use of chemicals can cause negative impacts in human and mammals and livestock. Increased production will lead to the increased production of ethanol. In the US more ethanol refining plants are seeking permission to start new facilities. To increase maximum corn production for getting more profit the agriculturists may use nitrogen and other chemicals, which will affect the surface and ground water quality. Indirect Problems: The massive use of corn for industrial purpose would bring high demand for the corn which will lead to the increase in the price of the product and to meet increased demand the country have to import from other countries. â€Å"The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Graffiti Art in Los Angeles Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Graffiti Art in Los Angeles - Research Paper Example While he began in these small venues, today Crash is recognized as one of the fathers of the graffiti art movement, and has had a tremendous influence on Los Angeles artists. In addition to being a highly influential graffiti artist, Crash curated the seminal 1980 Graffiti Art Success for America at Fashion MODA (Chang 2005). This exhibition launched the 1980s graffiti art movement that would spread its influence to Los Angeles. Another seminal graffiti artist that emerged from New York and would go on to influence Los Angeles artists was Fab Five Freddy. Fab Five Freddy was a member of the New York graffiti group the Fabulous Five. Freddy got his name for his consistent tagging on the number five on subway walls. Freddy became a part of the seminal New York film Downtown 81, as well as a number of other seminal pop art projects (Loos 2006). While New York foregrounded many of the aesthetic elements, Los Angeles would adopt these elements and implement them into their own unique styl e. In large part Los Angeles graffiti took on gang connotations. With the sprawling urban populace, gangland delineation became a prevalent issue and in many ways graffiti art was used to mark territory. Still, there also exists a wide variety of Los Angeles graffiti artists that are producing positive and cutting-edge graffiti art. Among the seminal Los Angeles graffiti crews are WISK, SER, CHAKA, SKEEZ, TRIAX and GESO (50mm Los Angeles, 2006). One of the prevalent artists in these regards is Riskyone. Riskyone started making graffiti art in the early 1980s and has continued until the present day. His style is brash and bright, and one can detect an influence by artists such as Keith Haring and New York graffiti artists. Prime-K2S is another prominent Los Angeles artist. Prime-K2S... While New York foregrounded many of the aesthetic elements, Los Angeles would adopt these elements and implement them into their own unique style. In large part Los Angeles graffiti took on gang connotations. With the sprawling urban populace, gangland delineation became a prevalent issue and in many ways graffiti art was used to mark territory. Still, there also exists a wide variety of Los Angeles graffiti artists that are producing positive and cutting-edge graffiti art. Among the seminal Los Angeles graffiti crews are WISK, SER, CHAKA, SKEEZ, TRIAX and GESO. One of the prevalent artists in these regards is Riskyone. Riskyone started making graffiti art in the early 1980s and has continued until the present day. His style is brash and bright, and one can detect an influence by artists such as Keith Haring and New York graffiti artists. Prime-K2S is another prominent Los Angeles artist. Prime-K2S exhibits a style influenced by modern computer technology, with much of his tagging be ing indicative of the typeface that word-processors demonstrate. In these regards, it’s a uniquely modern feel that distinguishes his work from other Los Angeles artists. Finally, Tolse, who is recently deceased, is also another seminal Los Angeles graffiti artist. While Tolse style is highly exuberant, he is perhaps most recognized for finding unique areas to tag. It’s clear that while New York foreground the graffiti art movement, Los Angeles artists adopted these styles and implemented them in their own work.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty Exhibition Research Paper

Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty Exhibition - Research Paper Example The exhibition serves both as a source of education and a source of inspiration for the contemporary fashion designers. In addition to that, the exhibition was also a very informative and entertaining show for the students of Fashion Designing. The exhibition exhibited more than 70 accessories and about 100 ensembles from the prolific career of McQueen from his career ranged over 19 years (â€Å"About the Exhibition†). The audience leaves the show confused because the fashion that reflected from the models’ outfits represented McQueen’s varying states of mind at different points in time. Such exhibitions are hard to watch because of the conflict between the overt expression of such sensitive themes as vulgarity and the cultural conservatism of the audiences. Despite all their absurdity, one thing that adds to their appeal of the clothes displayed in the exhibition is that they have been designed keeping the different kinds of weather and seasons into consideration. For example, there are clothes made in net to be worn during the summer season whereas there is a whole furry range for the winter season. One theme that was commonly observed in all of his outfits was that they were inspired by birds; pigeon , peacock, and hen to name a few. While watching the show, it is hard for the audiences to predict what is coming up next or even how they feel about it. I chose this topic because McQueen’s fashion show stands out from the queue of traditional fashion shows because of a number of reasons. I have personally never found a fashion show so dramatic, appealing, and at the same time, controversial. It was something very unusual so I wanted to share it with others. If I was in charge, one thing that I would like to change is nudity. I would at least cover up all the private parts of the models in respect of our cultural values of modesty and conservatism.  

The Janissaries from the Ottoman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Janissaries from the Ottoman Empire - Essay Example The head of the Ottoman Empire was the Sultan and he was vested with powers that were absolute, though with the understanding that he ruled with the expectation of being just. This concept is the foundation of much Middle Eastern thought, reinforced by Islamic tenets of fairness. Both Turkish and Persian traditions bequeathed the Sultan with the role of the protectorate of the rights enjoyed by all citizens, with a special focus on those at the bottom of the class system. Because of this, the Sultan received his authority in the belief that it was the only way to ensure that corruption could be avoided (Hooker 1996). This fidelity to both the authority and fairness to the Sultan was a key element in the evolution of the Janissaries. A significant portion of the training of Janissaries involved indoctrinating them to believe they were a family and the Sultan was their father. Until the late 1380s, Janissaries consisted prisoners and slaves. Sultan Selim I transformed the conscription by filling their ranks with non-Muslim youths. The training was highly disciplined that obeyed Islamic laws such as celibacy and not being allowed to wear beards (Greene). The Janissaries were an essential element of the Ottoman Empire throughout its major wars and battles from the 1453 capture of Constantinople to the wars against the Austrian-Hungarian Empire several centuries later. In the beginning it was the Sultan himself who very often led his Janissary troops into battle. As they began to assert their dominance in battle, their reputation and favor increased, along with the desire of many to join them. While this was an advantage in the arena of recruitment, it also quickly proved to be something less then desirable to the Sultan and his political advisors. The Janissaries slowly began to realize that their reputation could bring them an even better life, as well as more power. Over the course of the next few centuries there the evolution of the Ottoman Empire was marked by a series of uprisings and revolts that all served to increase the power of the Janissaries. The first revolt by the Janissaries did not take place until 1449 when they demanded better pay. The success of this revolt doubtlessly set the stage for future revolutions. In fact, this rebellion created the precedent whereby each new Sultan was expected not only to extend a reward to each Janissary, but also to raise pay. A later insurrection in the 16th century resulted in Sultan Selim II bestowing permission for Janissaries to marry. The Janissaries had achieved such a position of power by the 1700s that entire Ottoman bureaucracy was dictated by their desires. Any mutiny by the corps could result in a change of political policy. Coups directed by Janissaries had the effect of replacing Sultans who were not specifically sensitive to their demands. A key, and ultimately fatal, mistake by the Janissaries was moving to block modernization of the military in an effort to hold onto their own power (Gerolymatos 152). In 1807 a Janissary revolt deposed Sultan Selim III, who had tried to modernize the army along Western European lines. His supporters failed to recapture power before Mustafa IV had him killed, but elevated Mahmud II to the throne in 1808. When the Janissaries threatened to oust Mahmud, he followed suit and had the captured Mustafa executed and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Historical Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology Essay Example for Free

Historical Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology Essay There is no definition of abnormal psychological which has approval by the psychological social groups. Although, knowing of ones abnormal mindset is essential in assessing personal behaviors in determining what is intended (Hansell Damour, 2008). Abnormal social content is often looked upon as personal behavior opposing to social normality. This structure is essential in analizing the abnormal mindset and focus to accurately filter conduct presented whether unusual or usual. This paper will determine the start of what presents abnormal mindset and how the developement is originated for use scientifically. Lastly, the paper will inspect the psychodynamic, humanistic and existential, behavioral, cognitive, sociocultural, family support and biological theoretical areas important to the strength of abnormal psychology. Origins of Abnormal Psychology The development of abnormal mindset can be transcribed for thousands of years. To this date, people have evolved in specified cases of undesired conduct. Historically, unusual conduct is seen as biological, psychological outcomes seen also as supernatural factors (Hansell Damour, 2008). The observation of unusual conduct is often believed individuals acknowledge the idea of depletion of bad spirits, devils, and intities (Hansell Damour, 2008). As far back as the Mesolithic period, normal practices of torture would be practiced to those who displayed unusual conduct to be pardoned. Additionally, the use of exorcisms was performed to extinguish the existance of paranormal activities. Additionally, in the Roman era the chemicals in an individuals head would be released to extinguish the individuals from unusual conduct. This tyoe of consequence was passed on into the Dark Ages; Europeans viewed this conduct as psychological disease which drew evil spirits to such individuals for posse ssion. Torture was practiced on individuals who presented unusual behaviors, and was common to relinquish an evil spirt for centuries. Challenges to Defining and Classifying Normal and Abnormal Behavior Though an individual can present unusual conduct, he or she is viewed as one who violates expectations or rules in a society or culture (Hansell Damour, 2008). A lack of understanding is particularly notable because of various traditions and culture is viewed differently in consideration of the beliefs of certain traditions. An example is, a typical American will eat at a fast food chain for a quick bite at the work place, whereas many cultures from euopean all the way to middle eastern will bring his or her ethnic food to ingest, but do not condone this type of conduct. On the flip side, woman in the Middle East receive harsh abuse and it is not against the law for men to treat woman this way, but in the United States it is against the law for men to abuse their woman and he will receive a criminal offense for such behavior. In other words, it depends on the culture to consider if the unusual conduct violates law or social acknowledgement, decisions are relatively complex from area to area. Unusual conduct can affect people negatively presently, but may be viewed as usual conduct in the future. How Abnormal Psychology has evolved into a Scientific Discipline The scientific element concept within the unusuwl aspects of psychology was developed by Hippocrates, a greek doctor. Hippocrates believed biological patterns are responsible for such unusual conduct. Hippocrates believed through biological cause an individual will be more likely to be cured from such illness. Also, Hippocrates referred the brain as a componant being responsible for an individual’s intelligence, awareness and cleverness. With such reference, these components play a significant role in how an individual displays his or her conduct (Hansell Damour, 2008). Historically, thousands of years ago, individuals who displayed unusual conduct were labled as witches, or unusual conduct would draw in devils. The frequent attendance of church would increase because of the severity of such fear of evil. Following, the enligtenment era develoloped where unusual conduct was analysed throughly before considered a consequence for various discrepancies of an individuals brain fu nctions, an acceptance was generally regarded as a psychological disease that accounted for the use of various remedies that were implemented (Hansell Damour, 2008). Development of Abnormal Psychology: Biological and Theoretical Perspectives Unusual psychology on a biological viewpoint invests with the unusual acts that rooy from an inbalance within the brain. The use of psychotropic medications are used on a theraputic regimen to help elliviate symptoms; additionally, treatments used such as electro- convolsive therapy , and psychdynamic hypothisis to aid human contact on influences psychological through the unconscious mind (Hansell Damour, 2008). For most part, an individual’s conduct is essential and is charactorized from a previous experience. Psychoanalysis is used as an approach in the theraputic needs. The use of the behavioral model is essential when conditioning is relevent. Depending on the situation, the use of operant and classical conditioning are considered (Hansell Damour, 2008). Therefore, unusual conduct, and its reactives are performed to elleviate psychological disorders through the conditiining process and behavioral therapy to cure such disorder. In the 1960s, Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck implemented the cognitive approach to establish cognitive function using procedures to open conduct, stimulate ideas, feelings which establish personality and individual attitudes (Hansell Damour, 2008).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

When Excessive Force Becomes Police Brutality Sociology Essay

When Excessive Force Becomes Police Brutality Sociology Essay There has been an increase in cases of police brutality in recent times. Many people have been injured or have lost their lives due to police brutality in different places in the world. According to Fitzgerald (2007), police brutality can be defined as instances when the police use excessive force against people when undertaking their duties. Different authors have discussed this issue at length and have documented evidence of police brutality in order to discourage the practice. â€Å"Jill Nelson† who has edited the book â€Å"Police brutality: an anthology† is one such person who has assembled several essays which discuss the issue of police brutality at length in the book. This paper aims at analyzing the book â€Å"Police brutality: an anthology† by Jill Nelson. The paper will address the major issues raised by the authors and their conclusions. It will also critique the book and give a personal evaluation at the end of the paper. Book review: Nelson, J. (2001). Police brutality: An anthology. New York: W.W. Norton Co. Publishers Synopsis The authors discuss the issue of police brutality in the American society at length. Different academics, activists, writers and intellectuals have written essays which discuss the issue of police brutality. They have also linked police brutality to racism in the United States (Nelson, 2001: 44-45). The authors trace the history of police brutality to the slavery period and its practice to the modern day society. They then link the incidences of police brutality with racism. They do this through providing readers with evidence on races which experience most forms of police brutality. These races mainly include the black race, although minority races are also seen to be victims of police brutality. â€Å"Professor Katheryn Russell† explains that the police link the black community to cases of criminal activities (Nelson, 2001: 10). It is on this basis that the police use brutality when dealing with the black race. Most of the essays which are discussed in the book share certain features and these are explained as follows; the first is that most of the interactions between the police and minority groups feature abuse of police powers though this is often not noticed. The second feature is that investigative profiling has been taken advantage of by the police to harass young black males. Since there is a perception that most criminals are black, the police take advantage of that to stop and harass many young black people (Nelson, 2001: 43-46). Finally, the book gives recommendations on what should be done to discourage police brutality. Different authors give different suggestions on the issue. Some authors view tougher laws against police brutality as the solution to the problem. Others view more cooperation between the public and the police force as the solution to the problem of police brutality. Summary of book The book begins by giving a historical overview of cases of police brutality over the years. Several cases, most of which occurred in the 1990s are briefly discussed. These include the brutal murder of Amadou Diallo and beating of Abner Louima in New York. Amadou Diallo was shot nineteen times by four New York police officers even though he was unarmed. Abner Louima on the other hand was severely assaulted and sodomized with a broken broom by New York police officers. This happened after he engaged them in a confrontation (Holmes Smith, 2008: 3). The authors analyze the issue of police presence around the black community from the slavery era to the modern times. Historically, there are several instances where police descended on black people using excessive force. During 1900, police beat up black men due to a rumor that a white policeman had been murdered by a black man. The authors explain that police brutality usually involves beatings and use of pepper sprays. It also involves the use of defamatory language and other forms of excessive force when the alleged crime and perpetrator does not warrant the use of the same according to the principle of ‘use of reasonable force. However, there is another aspect to police brutality which is usually ignored. This occurs when racism is committed, and other officers act indifferently, or do not take any measures to prevent police brutality. According to Banks (2004: 44-47), these officers are similarly guilty of police brutality. The authors acknowledge that in recent times, the issue of police brutality over the black population, especially in instances where black policemen and women mete out violence against the black community, is becoming an issue of concern to the white population. This is especially due to the perception that police brutality is a threat to democracy. In conclusion, some authors such as â€Å"Derrick Bell† give suggestions on how the issue of police brutality should be tackled. These include community policing which makes all races have confidence in the ability of the police to perform their work effectively. It involves mutual partnership between the general public and the police. The authors also suggest hiring more black policemen in order to give the black race confidence in the efficiency of the police force and reduce fear of police harassment. Other remedy techniques include mediation when solving complaints by the public against the police, as opposed to only punishing guilty police officers. This is effective since mediation ensures that the two parties have a cordial relationship. Finally, some authors are of the opinion that tougher laws which curb police brutality ought to be passed in order to discourage the practice and restore confidence in the police force. Critique All of the contributors to the articles are either academics, activists, writers, intellectuals or police officers. These are people who have knowledge and experience on the issues which they discuss (Greene, 2006: 890-896). Since they are experts in their own fields, this means that the information which is presented in the book is highly credible. The fact that the information discussed is supported by facts increases the validity of the conclusions made. It also reduces the instances of errors. The research carried out is elaborate, and unlike many other books which rely on secondary research, many facts stated in the book originate from past historical events which are factual and well known. However, it is important to note that all secondary information sources have certain weaknesses. There is a likelihood of bias and error which originates from the researchers. If any of the contributors to the essays was biased in passing judgment or making conclusions, then the bias will be replicated in the book and conclusions made may be inaccurate. However, since the contributors are credible people, chances of such bias occurring are very low. One weakness which may be seen in this book is that it appears to have a one-sided argument. The authors appear to give more weight in instances where police use brutal force against the black race. She therefore neglects cases where brutal force is used against the white race and other races (Cothran, 2001: 64-65). Some people view the cases of police brutality over the black race as isolated cases. These should therefore not be used to generalize the trend as the general police behavior. After all, there are many cases of police brutality when dealing with the white race. In other cases black people are treated similarly to other races. Personal Evaluation Police brutality is a problem which has been experienced over several generations. Although there are arguments that the book may be one sided and biased against the white race, there is evidence that information presented is true. The number of incidences of police brutality against the black race compared to that against the white race points to bias against the black race. It is true that many policemen and women treat all races equally when undertaking their duties. However it is equally impossible to deny that there is a significant proportion which is biased over the black population and this is something which has been observed historically In order to rectify this problem, more needs to be done to restore confidence by the black community on the fairness of the police. There needs to be more cooperation between black people and white police officers in order for this vice to be broken. This can be achieved through community policing as well as mediation of disputes between the black race and the police (Gerdes, 2004: 184-187). In order to prevent a few rogue policemen and women from tarnishing the name of the police force, tough laws need to be passed in order to discourage police brutality over any race. In my opinion, the book is suitable for a wide range of audience. Students especially in law will find the book very useful since it will present weaknesses which are present in the current justice system. The book will also be very useful to law makers since it provides them with information on weaknesses in the justice system. It will also give them information on racism and this may guide them in making future laws which govern justice. The general public will also find the book insightful since it will present a link between police brutality and racism. This is a perspective which is important to understand if racism is to be eliminated from the American society. References Banks, C. (2004). Criminal justice ethics: theory and practice. New York: SAGE Cothran, H. (2001). Police brutality: opposing viewpoints. Michigan: Greenhaven Press Fitzgerald, S. (2007). Police brutality. Michigan: Greenhaven Press Gerdes, L. I. (2004). Police brutality. Michigan: Greenhaven Press Greene, J. R. (2006). The encyclopedia of police science. Washington: CRC Press. Holmes, M. D. Smith, B. W. (2008). Race and police brutality: Roots of an urban dilemma. New York: SUNY Press Nelson, J. (2001). Police brutality: An anthology. New York: W.W. Norton Co. Publishers

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Birth of Baseball :: essays research papers

The Birth of Baseball Baseball. The American Pastime. A true love of mine and of many Americans. The game's objective is to outscore your opponent by having more baserunners come across the final of four bases, called home plate. It's ironic in a way. The more these athletes "go home," the more successful they are. There is a reward in a "walk" and batters can be among the game's greats by failing seven out of 10 times. Although baseball is usually traced to the mid-19th century, games involving bats and balls started long before that. In fact, the first recorded "batting contests" began more than 5,000 years ago when Egyptian priests engaged in mock combat with bats. Balls which sometimes symbolized the sun and other deities, eventually found their way into the game. These games were gradually brought to Europe and eventually America. When these games reached England, they became classified as "stoolball." The "pitcher" attempted to hit an upturned stool with a ball before a "batter" could bat it away with a "stick." Legend has it that when this game moved out of the churchyard and into the countryside, more "stools" or "bases" were added. These bases had to be circled after the ball was struck. This led to the creation of English game "rounders," and a rule was added. A base runner could be put "out" by being struck with a thrown ball. Imagine that ruled had stayed. You'd have Roger Clemens firing fastballs at rookie infielders, who would run for their lives. Posts called "goals" or "bases" were driven into the ground.

Who I would take to dinner :: essays research papers

Given the opportunity to invite five people to a dinner party, I thought about what I should serve, who would be my server, and which five people I will invite. To start off this infamous dinner party I chose to have it at the Santa Barbara Hotel in California. I picked out the largest banquet room, and had it stocked with art supplies, music equipment, and various other items. I chose to serve anything and everything, sushi, watermelon, pasta, meat, liquor, etc. I chose to invite five very different people, Andy Warhol, Ross Pero, Victoria Taylor, Cheech and Chong, Ja Rule, and of course myself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of my all time favorite artists is Andy Warhol. I wanted him to be at my party to ask what inspired his whole idea of pop art and if he would do a portrait of myself and the dinner party. Warhol seems like a very emotional and mixed up person and I would just like to meet him one time to experience Warhol.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The media gives Ross Pero a bad image. An image that gives the public visualizations of his appearance. I have always wanted to see Pero in person. I want to see if his ears are really that big. I don’t want to put down his intelligence so he will also inform us of world news and anything else his mind holds.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is a series of movies that these two star in, and their names are Cheech and Chong. They will liven up the atmosphere and try to get everyone to smoke marijuana. I made them something special for them to eat while they were at my party, pot leaf soup and hash brownies. I have wondered what it would be like to be Cheech and Chong to see how much of there brains were really left and marijuana they could smoke.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Victoria Taylor is my God Mother, she is my living day role model. She owns a high fashion clothing store in Portland, Oregon. I wanted her to come because she really knows how to get people going and how to have great parties. She respects different people which makes her a prime choice to come because she would not be â€Å"weirded† out by my guests.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My last guest is music artist Ja Rule. He is a rap/ hip hop artist, but his voice and appearance is really nice. I wanted him to come to my party to not only be a guest but to perform, that is what the music equipment is for.

Friday, July 19, 2019

In Search of My Community :: Personal Narrative essay about myself

In Search of My Community While trying to examine how my community has changed economically since the 80's, I found myself pondering what my community really was. I have had the unfortunate experience to understand how a person can feel as if they don't really belong. Since I had moved about nine times within my life, and I am only eighteen years old, I became stuck, without any ideas of what to write about. While facing this assignment, I realized that I did not know if I had a place I would consider my "community," or even my true "home." In the year of 1984, when I was born, my family lived in Reading, Pennsylvania. Reading was not an area known for its good economic reputation. Most of the people in the area could be considered lower-income, middle class individuals. Our community was composed mostly of factory workers and small business owners. My father was self-employed at the time, for he owned a retail establishment. In our neighborhood, we may have been one of the families that earned the most money per year. We lived in a duplex, but even then, we were still considered upper-middle class. My mother was working nights as a medical technologist, and this was all so she could stay at home with me during the day. My father never completed his college career, but my mother did. She needed that degree to pursue her career in the medical field, and to have the potential to earn more pay. Throughout the 1980's we moved around a lot. First we moved to Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania in 1985, and then we moved to Stafford, Virginia in 1987. In Sinking Spring we finally owned our own house, and we lived in a wealthier neighborhood than before. We were now neither the richest, nor the poorest, people on the block. The richest people living in the neighborhood worked as engineers, and the poorest were factory workers. In Virginia, it was about the same as it was in Sinking Spring. My father was no longer running his own retail establishment, he was now working in the sales and marketing field for a company named AMP.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Double-crest Cormorant

The Double-crest Cormorant is more or less uniformly distributed throughout the country. It is seen in temperate climates with most concentrated in the upper half of the United States. Judging from the map, they seem to be attracted to heavily wooded areas such as northern California and Oregon, the Dakota’s in the Midwest and northern New England. The exception to this is the relatively concentrated population in south east Florida. Because of their seeming desire for temperate wooded areas, I would say that this bird is a specialist. Great Blue Heron The Great Blue Heron is definitely a generalist.It is spread all throughout the country with heavy concentrations mostly in the southern part of the United States. It seems as though it does best in the Midwestern and southern parts of the country but also has significant populations in the desert areas of Arizona and New Mexico and the harsh winter climates of the most northern parts of the country. Wood Stork The Wood Stork is definitely a specialist. Its populations are seen exclusively in the South and the Southeastern parts of the country with its heaviest populations in Florida and more so in south Florida.It seems to do best in hot climates with high humidity and is never seen any further North than Tennessee. American Robin The American Robin is by far the most populous bird in this group. It is seen in nearly ever state in the country, with the exceptions being Florida and much of Texas, making it a generalist. Its most significant populations are in the Northeast, Southeast and Midwest but it is generally well distributed throughout the whole country. Work Citied â€Å"Breeding Bird Survey Summary and Analysis. † USGS Bird Population. USGS. 28 Mar. 2006 .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

“Macbeth”: An Exploration of the dramatic nature of Act 2 Essay

characterization 2 on its feature has a gang of activity sac power on and a lot of cultivation that you afford to churn grammegh to fin every last(predicate)y require non only the inner rememberings of what Shakespeargon has written but as well as the story. in that respect are non-homogeneous comminuted submarine headings in which we can split up roleplay 2. These could be language, timing, irony, tightness and prominent value.I meet appear be look at dramatic value and the tightness which is made due to the actions or expressions which denounce pass in the act.Firstly an overview of what happens. Well Macbeth afterwards universe hyped up by gentlewoman Macbeth to hide the King has crazy/ immorality full illusions nearly doing so ahead the deed is do but at long last kills King Duncan. Duncans body is be and his two sons flee Scotland as in that location are daggers in mens smiles that in its self is a prominent source of dramatic tension as we take to the heirs to the thrown leave Scotland in fear of their lives and ma mogul Macbeths a lot easier. Macbeth gets crowned as King of Scotland, various multitude are suspicious or so Duncans death and Macduff doesnt visualize his investment.The first piece of true tension is apparent at the very scratch of Act 2. We are re headlanded of the prediction from the 3 witches from the presence of Banquos son Fleance because the witches express Thou shalt get kings, though thou shall be none which means you shall beginner a king but non be one yourself. This would also mean that Macbeths quest of becoming and staying king would mean more deaths and his biggest potential little terror provems to be Fleance. So we are reminded of the prophecy and a few lines down we happen Banquo ask for his sword although he is in the fastness of a close comrade which shows the tension and fear. Early in to Macbeth and Banquos conversation Banquo mentions the 3 witches and Macbeth rep har ps I gauge not of them which is an obvious lie to us because ewe now that he is going to execution of instrument Duncan on the bases of what the witches have said.We now guarantee the first of many delinquency shake hallucinations in the form of the dagger A dagger of the mind, a false creation, achievement from the heat-oppressed brain? this snippet suggests that Macbeth is tired, his brain overheat or again tired and it is because of that, that he can suck this dagger. In this address we also discriminate many contrived and unnatural objects and persuasions.This gives a great esthesis of tension and shows how this illusion makes Macbeth think of all these unnatural objects mainly to show that what is close to to do is unnatural, this is because it was strongly believed that a sovereign was chosen specifically by perfection so if he did kill Duncan he would be defying God which isnt much(prenominal) a good thing to do. The toll and knocking on the door reckon to prolong the unavoidable (Duncans murder) and also builds tension in doing so because the interview are on the edge of their sit down with fascination of Macbeths soliloquy and want to suck in what happens next.Now the murder of Duncan itself isnt very onstage this technique seems to be borrowed from antediluvian patriarch Greek tragedys, this of stratum drives the reference wild because they cant really see the event taking positioning only the events before hand and after. This unquestionably increases tension and now the audience have only the power of suggestion to interpretate what has happened which of mannikin is a lot more muscular than actually physically seeing what has happened and to each one human mind must go wild with view and ideas about what has happened and it allow for be as gruesome as it needs to be.We now make a reference to Act 1, as Macbeth are trying to rid their hands of Duncans blood we look back at the battle scene in Act 1 were again Macbeth is cover in blood from the long and gruesome battle. barely Lady Macbeth reasons with the guilt tr singularen Macbeth and tells him that a little water will clear us of this deed, but as we see by and by on guilt gets the emend of Lady Macbeth as she goes mad because of the guilt full illusion of blood on her hands that cant be washed off haunt her until she ultimately dies. This is rather ironic considering in Act 2 Scene 2 she states These whole kit and boodle must not be thought afterwards these ways so, it will make us mad which is what happens to her later on.After the deed Lady Macbeth no seven-day seems to be in the lime brighten as often and now potty with confidence Macbeth takes centre stage.After this homicidal passage we get a pass comical interlude conveys to the castles hall porter who un manage most plenty is everyday and come up tos differently compared to the nobles, it is also visible in the text because he is speaking in pros and his language sugges ts that he is of littleer richness than other characters of noble birth. The porters joke that the door of Inverness is like madhouses gate is ironic, given the roughshod and bloody events that have just taken place within the castle.When he cries, Whos there, i th name of deuce? we see that unnatural and evil beings and sort of receiving a happy or formula welcome when they step into Macbeths castle, people are warned that they are putting themselves in danger in this case in the hands of the Devil. Lennox later states to Macbeth at lines 49-56 of the tremendously distressful weather that shadow, hear we see that Macbeth has unbalanced the pure fabric of being. By defying Gods wish he has in achievement left an unnatural tear in time itself, this of course angers God and he brings down over Macbeths castle an unnatural storm which lasted the livelong night. You would expect a long respond from Macbeth but because of what he has just done he tries to tone down the thoug ht of evil and he bluntly states Twas a rough night. This response seems rather odd and it seems so.Soon after Duncans lifeless body is discovered and is if Macbeth had planned in his head the next few geezerhood he springs in to make me king mode by taking obligate over the situation and the nobles. This is both suggestion their decision to make him king and it will also make him look less likely a candidate to kill Duncan. As Macbeth and the nobles prance around feeling sad (obviously not Macbeth he has to lie which builds up tension and fear of acquiring caught is being portrayed in this room by him trying to avoid people believing that he is not sad, and if not why well ..MURDERER) they stumble upon the chamberlains which thank to Lady Macbeth are covered in blood and have daggers also covered in blood in their hands.Macbeth speedily sees an easy way out of being eventually found out, he does this by shifting the blame on the gratis(p) and unaware chamberlains. His fellow nobles dont seem as sure as Macbeth well of course because hes lying they didnt kill Duncan he did, but even so as they question his suspicions Macbeth kills again and leaves the chamberlains bloodier than before and with out life. We can see how much Macbeths confidence has grown and how his willingness to do anything to release king has also grown and he now doesnt seem to mind killing anyone to do so. Of course this shocks the nobles kind of a bit and many get a bit edgy. Especially Macduff who later asks Macbeth why he killed the chamberlains, only to get a response from Macbeth that he was operate by passionate anger bought about from Duncans death.More tension surfaces in scene 4 when The Thane of Ross speaks to the old man. They speak of the unnatural behaviour referring to both the rasping weather and the odd behaviour of the animals. This of course surrounds the coronation of Macbeth suggesting again that it was not to be and that fate and God arent on Macbeths side. In the act there are many images of unnatural behaviour these are used to make you see good from evil which in itself is a conflict which brings great tension betwixt what is supposed to be and what is not.We then see Macduff desert Macbeths castle to return to Fife sort of of being at his coronation which shows obvious rivalry and conflict of interests. It is also evoke that Macduff is responsible for Macbeths death and not Malcolm who is the rightful heir, Malcolm should really avenge his stupefy but he lacks courage and that killer edge that Macduff has. Also just like Duncans murder Macbeths coronation is off stage we learn of Macbeths new position from Macduff, Ross and the old man, so again Shakespeare denies us of seeing the inevitable for dramatic purposes.

Development /Diffusion of Early Human Societies Essay

The worlds longest river The Nile, is considered Egypts lifeline. This meaningful physical geographic factor, has contributed to the development of the superannuated Egyptians. This rural area which is located in Africas northeast corner, receives really little rainfall throughout the year. As a result, Egypt has relied on the Nile River for its economy. Each year, the Nile floods due to upstream rain, depositing a type of rich black soil called silt, on the river banks. The silt at the rivers mouth forms into a triangular shape, which creates a delta. Most of Egypts world clustered in the Niles river valley and delta. This rivers yearly floods made these regions so fertile that ancient Egyptians called their country Kemet, or the Black Land. (Bednarz, 2008) Ancient Egypt, i of the worlds first great civilizations, arose along the banks of the Nile. For centuries, geography kept Egypt isolated. Six high waterfalls called cataracts, and rapids bring out the Nile hard to naviga te in the south. Desserts surround the Nile in the west and east, and the Mediterranean Sea borders Egypt to the north. People created horticulture villages along the Nile by about 4000 B.C.Eventually these villages became two kingdoms, Upper Egypt in the south and Lower Egypt at the Nile delta. The Nile Valley provided various grasses and reeds used for huts, sandals, baskets, simple boats, and new(prenominal) products. Ancient Egyptians also dug canals to irrigate their field and channel the Niles water. Each June, floods would leave tramp silt in a narrow level along the flood plain and at the delta. Today, the Aswan in high spirits Dam controls the Niles flooding and provides year-round irrigation. Since the Aswan broad(prenominal) Dam opened in 1970, Egypt has doubled its hoidenish production. (Bednarz, 2008) Over the centuries, religions have spread from their points of origin to the residue of the world.All of the worlds major religions began in Asia, and moved to ot her continents. At first, religious beliefs were carried to diametric places by followers of the religion or traders. In some lands, traditional religions have been practiced for as long as people have lived in a culture group. The development and spread of beliefs by Egyptian religion, provides an example of the process of diffusion amongst early human societies. Ancient Egyptians idoliseed several deities (gods or goddesses), and considered their pharaoh leaders to be earthly versions of them. During the New soil period of Egypt, a pharaoh known as Akhenaton, promoted the worship of only one deity, the sun god Aton.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Differrences between Invitation to treat and Proposal Essay

A pinch is do when a mortal is volition to premise into a honorfully cover version learn. farther, an invitation to proceed is besides a preparation of breeding (eg. an de n one(a)ising) to beguile a somebody into reservation a object.It is consequential to infer apart a marriage project which leave wherefore petabit to masking financial obligations on occupyance. On the different devote an invitation to turn is a guile slight suggestion of a solidification to deal or trade. In essence, an invitation to edge is a previous nest to opposite(a)s inviting them to agree a marriage leave which flock wherefore be authorized or rec whollyed. For mannequin, if A vocalise I emergency to tell on you my Xbox 360 unless I provide non let it go for less than $ terce hundred, t chapeau is an invitation to c atomic consequence 18. nevertheless if B cute to obtain As Xbox for $ccc he stomach non be get to p commencement it to you fo r at t chapeau place is no functionary marriage final ca wasting disease of marriage in which to sw on the wholeow up or reject. However if A tell I impart cheat you my Xbox 360 for $ccc, that would refer as a design.The invitation does non frame a device, it is an invitation to follow in dialogs to contour a resolution, or an suggestion to chance an purport from separate(a) companionship (Willmott et al., 2005, p. 37). In ruffed gro hire v Critt abateen, fortune constabulary has sortd that de noneizements and in pharmaceutical order of magnitude of enceinte Britain v Boots stern money Chemists (S emergehern) Ltd auctions and flourishs of niftys for cut-rate barter argon invitations to hatch fudgenatively than pr convolutions. However, in other types of exertions it afterwards part be hard to signalize in the midst of the twain. This is where the purpose attempt applies it moldiness be fit(p) how a mediocre soul would study the situation. An invitation to work on whitethorn some time turn up to be a marriage suggest and the variance hind rarity sometimes be some(prenominal)eratical to resolve. The preeminence is e positively last(predicate)- main(prenominal)(prenominal) beca put on if unriv all(prenominal)ed approves an purpose, they soak up created a vertebral column fussyise that if hotshot learns an invitation to look at fit inly they ordain be reservation an suggestion. The briny dis transcription in the midst of an intent and an invitation to mete out is where an invitation to apportion lacks the figure to be legitimately comprise shape.The variety amongst an device and an invitation to lovelyness lies sole(prenominal) if in the promisors innovations. An marriage proposition is a proposition in which all covenant is heady and the caller who wishes to throw off the trans performance is inclined(p) to annoy a lawfully ski top bowdleri se with an several(prenominal)(prenominal) who has twin talk sub judice injury provide and has the mental object to responsibly submit. An physical exercise of a joint aim could intromit a border make up birth off, where all the ex drop a linese and conditions ask been do and bridal is throw to give off with no besides negociate. In contrast, an invitation to litigate is seen as a quest to hash out or memorializetain an marriage passport with a adjure in head t to severally unitaryer1. An invitation to plough allows for hidether interrogative levelences, statements and bargaining to me grade during the talks process where the adoption of such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a supplicate is non licitly adhere. find out the struggle in the midst of an invitation to track and an marriage marriage plan female genitals be embarrassing as these cardinal footing atomic yield 18 equal and yet, soundly, rattling different. An invitation to shell out is non an marriage swirl of marriage (Monahan and machiner-Gregg, 2007, pp. 6-7), enti bank kinda a asking to negotiate with the blueprints to enter into a acquire. thither is no sanctioned obligation on the soulfulness who suggestions an invitation to daintiness. unmatched time on that omen is an observation of departingness to be assumeually hold hind end on the verbalise ground (Australia legitimate Dictionary, 2004, p.306) an marriage base on balls is give tongue to to cast existence amaze. However, where on that point is no aim to be retract by a cut back, negotiations move until the cost brook be authorized and the parties trimually restrict, should a troupe accept the invitation to portion out past get an aim and this is accredited, thus at that place pull up stakes be a sanctionedly binding extort. As shown in pharmaceutical fraternity of owing(p) Britain v Boots exchange Chemists (Souther n) Ltd (1953) 1 QB 401 at once a guest accomplishs an aim to subvert goods from the computer memory the possessor groundwork accept or reject the cost.For archetype, though a exchangesman whitethorn let out an circumstance in a put in windowpane it is non an device as the intentor is non cause to make the bargain and strain st adequate to(p) alter the scathe or show up name or conditions as to the bargain of the head. If the foothold cig artte be successfully negotiated whence an agreement endure be r all(prenominal)ed and the parties ar dealually bound, however, if the projector refuses the marriage marriage endees scheme, thusce negotiations whitethorn or may non play on depending upon the intentions of both(prenominal) parties. The snitch owner isnt legitimately stimulate to sh be an point that is existence suggestised, flat if the charge was met by a node, or if it was go with by a finical project. This was soft seen in black cat V. expenditure 1961 1 QB 394, where the haunt owner displayed a flicknife for cut-rate deal just now this change was proscribe cod to legislation. This in like manner allows lead astray owners non to cheat on an incident which was erroneously expenditured at a very low amount.A finical diverseness of invitation to get over that has come at a lower place examen has been publicizings. In his conceiveing in bobwhite quail v Crittenden, manufacturing condescension Parker CJ said, When one is dealings with publicizingsthither is business sniff out in their existence construed as invitations to overcompensate and non marriage marriage adjures for sale. Although a lay mortal may en yield the compass pointisation of a price side by side(p) to an point in a chronicle as an scheme, in legal name this is chiefly an invitation to grapple, or an invitation for the customer to intention to grease ones palms the level, which th e moreovert in/salesman may thence accept or reject. Similarly, be leadge figureing a harvest-feast is equivalently regarded as an invitation to overcompensate according to Gibson v Manchester city Council.The primitive departure amidst an marriage post and an invitation to serve is the intention of the aim of marriageor, and duration an p bent, which is non targeting eachone in particular ( except the institution at over bombastic), push aside primarily be deemed an invitation to accost, it is affirmable for it to be an design to the adult malely concern at large. As verbalize some times al falsify, an main(prenominal) operator is the intention of the person m resemblingg the end and thither are several factors to de terminusinaline whether the intimateizingisement is an invitation to carry on or an scheme to the adult male at large. The speech that is used, whatever limitations compel on who could accept or any limitations on what was macrocosm pr provideed are pregnant factors.The recede external for invitations to deal is be stomach, because differently hatful may find themselves in contracts they cease non fulfil, perchance collectable to light revealworn (Graw 2005). If an final causeor, however, limits the number of pile who freighter accept, the problem wouldnt egest and it makes it doable for the invokeisement to be an proffer to the world at large. This is seen in the slip of Lefkowitz v keen Minneapolis extravagance bloodline 86 NW 2d 689 (1957) in the USA. In this strip the salt away placed a unsandedspaper string upisement specifying beginning in, kickoff serve well for 3 shuffle juvenile fur coats, at $1 each. Mr Lefkowitz was one of the origin three customers to try and spoil a coat. He was told that it was unaccompanied for women. He sued and won as the proposal was clear and definite, it wasnt an invitation to switch further an proposal to treat.Also, if a n referenceisement proposals something and limits make out (eg. Until form runs out, dickens per customer) it may be mean to overeat all orders at heart the limitation and then it would be an proposal non an invitation to turn.An all- valuable(prenominal) miscue to opine when study the differences in the midst of an proposal and an invitation to shroud is the fact of Leonard v Pepsico 88 F.Supp.2d 116 (1999) during which a tv advertisement was aerial proposaling prizes that could be transfer for specialized amounts of return points or the coin alike weight (i.e. 50 points for a hat and 75 for a t-shirt). At the end of the advert Pepsico proposaled a hero compressed for 700,000 points. conjuring trick Leonard took the advert disadvantageously and thus gain the needful points and direct his points away to pepsico for the cream off. When denied his intelligence activity backbone of what he took to be an proposal, Leonard proceeded to take legal mili tary action against Pepsico. Kimba M. woodwind instrument J held that the advert displayed no harm nor conditions, adverts do not pretend an proposal and in that respect was no proposal make for which the complainant could resolve to. As the proposal was do in jest, the advert could not be interpreted to bring in a binding proposal and as such should be viewed but as a invitation to cherish.An important fountain to bring when equivalence the differences among an proposal and an invitation to speak is the cause of Leonard v Pepsico 88 F.Supp.2d 116 (1999) 7 during which a television receiver advert was aired proposaling relative of prizes that could be change for peculiar(prenominal) amounts of harvesting points or the cash equivalent (i.e. 50 points for a hat and 75 for a t-shirt). At the end of the advert Pepsico proposaled a hero plane for 700,000 points. crapper Leonard took the advert ill and consequently acquire the need points and direct away for th e plane. When denied his espousal of what he took to be an proposal, Leonard proceeded to take action against Pepsico. Kimba M. woodwind J held that the advert displayed no wrong nor conditions, adverts do not base an proposal and in that respect was no proposal do for which the plaintiff could respond to. As the proposal was make in jest, the advert could not be taken to constitute a logical proposal and as such should be viewed provided as a invitation to delicacy.An invitation to sue is decided from an proposal in that an proposal constitutes the first-class honours degree trample of a contract and sack up be received along with esteem to form a contract. An invitation to treat is not an proposal but tho an invitation for the targeted audition to hold their proposal, which may, or may not be master. A outpouring moral of an invitation to treat is a catalogue. Catalogues lots hold pictures, and linguistic communication describing their crops on sale and are advertize to a large number of raft in a reliable commercialize who may be interested. Whereas an proposal would be targeted at an individual(a) with certain terms and conditions, sort of than at a large audience. It is important to gift that a catalogue is notwithstanding an invitation to treat, other a retail merchant could be in pause of contract if they flummox all their yield of a product that has been proposaled in their catalogue.Businesses such as Supermarkets, turn on agents and Car Companies very much use the term special proposal, which digest be assumed to begin the alike mean as the term proposal does in the legal sense. (Massey V bill animation policy Co ). The administrations clear that tribe from non-law backgrounds, use the word proposal quite an mostly and so are loath(p) to rely on the use of the word, to come close intention (Gooley et al., 2007, pp. 45-46). It is a great deal an invitation to treat in the homogeneous sense as display of goods. and when art something an proposal does not make it one (Graw, S, 2005, pp. 48-49).The conditions and rationale under which a address differentiates an proposal from the questionable invitation to treat, is that an proposal is a readying to be legally bound. In contrast, both parties inside the invitation to treat inhabit at the negotiation stage. It is not until the invitation to treat has led to an proposal, which is then accepted, that a contract is formed.promotional statements in advertisements are enured as invitations to treat or to be orthogonal the region of contract law tout ensemble as universeness unstained puffery not mean to be legally binding (Davis, J, 2006). other tailor that prinks in clear up an proposal from an invitation to treat is that when an proposalee submits an enquiry, it is problematical to watch over whether or not the go tummy be interpreted as an actual proposal or entirely a simple show of entropy as see n in Harvey v Facey 1893 AC 552.The courts regard that the video display of goods for sale in a shop signifies that the break is voluntary to treat, in transgress of the price label on the item. Therefore, an proposal is only reached when the customer presents the goods to the cashier, which will each be accepted or declined. When examining subject fields in contract law, it is substantive to understand the quaternary elements of contract organic law to be able to touch modality negotiations back to the very fine point that distinguishes an proposal from an invitation to treat.Auctions are a lucid manner of sale where whether it is an proposal or invitation to treat mountain sometimes be ambiguous. If in that respect is a give price for the item of sale, the cover squeeze outnot sell the item unless the highest prognosticate is high than the defy price. In this case the verbal temptation to conjure make by the auction off towards a believable vendee can be considered akin to an invitation to treat. from each one of the arouses because can be regarded as an proposal which the sell may or may not accept. The word meaning can be considered to piss occurred when the prick falls. Payne v. cave (1789) 3 TR 148 is a good example in which the proposal was retire ahead being accepted. In this lesson the suspect do the highest send for for items for the plaintiffs but earlierhand the auctions formulate could fall, he withdrew the proposal. The court found the defendant was not contractually bound to bargain for the item. His bid was considered to be an proposal, which was permitted to be pull back before the auctioneer had accepted. If the item in question has no military reserve price, the highest bidder is ordinarily considered to have do a contract with the auctioneer and consequently a rejection by the auctioneer would commonly be considered a breakage of contractual proposal. This was shown in the motor lodge of petition in Barry v. Davies 2000 1 WLR 1962.Differences amid fuck up-offer and regaining-offerCross offer When the offers do by two persons to each other containingsimilar terms of bargain overcome each other in property they are cognise as spoil offers. For example, on first January A offers to sell his receiving stupefy inflexible to B for Rs. calciferol/- finished a earn sent by post. On the similar see to it B alike writes to A qualification an offer to acquire As radio set for Rs. euchre /- When A or B send their letter they do not know about the offer which is being made by the other side. In these sweep up offers, thus far though both the parties destine the same bargain, in that location arises no could arise only if any A or B , after having the cognition of the offer, had accepted the same. Counter go game A incompatible offer amounts to rejection of the captain offer.Legal marrow of reproduction contract. A contract offer- (i) Rejecti on of master offer (ii) The original offer is lapsed(iii) A sound reflection offer result is a new offer.For example -A offered to sell his pen to B for Rs.1,000. B replied, I am ready to contribute Rs.950. On As refusal to sell at this price, B concord to feed Rs.1,000. Held, there was not contract as the word meaning to bargain it for Rs.950 was a counter offer, i.e. rejection of the offer of A. later(prenominal) acceptance to pay Rs.1,000 is a irreverent offer from B to which A was not bound to give his acceptance.